Saturday, May 29, 2010

In Washington State, a Women's Studies lead team has done some action research into the success and completion of science and engineering post-secondary studis, beginning with middle school girls - including those from ethnic minority groups - and following them for several years. The research included interventions of various kinds, such as mentorships, programs specialized to the highschool community, and distance or alternative environment advanced credit coursework. Wow!

Watch the video at:

Students with Sensory Impairments

Today I watched a video about teaching science to students with sensory impairments. This video shows some different learning tools and materials which are available for purchase, which have been improvised by classroom or vision/hearing specialist teachers, and which are being pioneered in universities. The video also describes the relationship between the student and other students and the teachers and what "accomodation" really looks like in practice.

Watch the video at:

Friday, May 28, 2010

Games (Digital) For Teaching Science

The New York University Games for Learning Institute members present early research about the use of games in middle school science, technology, engineering and math education. As they reflect on the linkages between development and education, they reflect on their inquiry into what makes for elegant design of educational games.

Watch the video: