Saturday, April 10, 2010

Advice for teachers who want to use problem-based learning

1. beware ill-structured problems

2. understand constructivist approach

3. emphasize inquiry

4. present conclusions, even when the end result is not a 'product'

5. problem-based learning is learning by doing

6. allow students to work in small groups

7. choose problems in which students are stakeholders

8. keep track of what kinds of teacher scaffolding were needed

9. the teacher is a metacognitive coach

10. self-assessment is key

11. include performance-based assessments

12. is there more thn one possible solution or product?

13. check out the evolution of this approach from medical education

14. requires interdisciplinary thinking/work

15. reflection and analysis are required

16. technologies can enhance learning

17. identify key critical thinking skills

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